[ Compilation Status : INCOMPLETE ]
Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench
[ Family : Malvaceae ]
[ Synonyms : Abelmoschus bammia Webb ; Abelmoschus longifolius (Willd.) Kostel.; Abelmoschus officinalis (DC.) Endl.; Hibiscus esculentus L.; Hibiscus longifolius Willd. ]
[ Common name (Local) : Dheras, Bhindi ]
Name in other Languages :
- Bengali : Dheras, Bhindi | Sanskrit : Bhenda | Hindi : Bhindi, Bhindi tori, Ram turai | Tribal : Not available yet | English : Ladies finger, Gumbo, Okra | Other Languages : Venta, Bhendai (Mal.) ; Ventai, Vendakka (Tam.)
[ Trade Name : Bhindi ]
Is the Plant Misidentified ?
Tell Us. Plant Characteristics :
Habit : Erect annual herb
Habitat & Ecology : Terrestrial and Cultivated. Can grow on any type of soil. ,
Occurrence : Cultivated through out West Bengal. Not found in the wild.
Status : Abundant
Botanical Character : Stout annual herb growing upto ~2 metres, covered with rough hairs. Leaves simple, cordate, palmately 3 to 5-lobed, coarsely toothed, petiolate, stipule linear- subulate. Flowers- axillary, pedunculate, bracts linear and subulate, large, yellow with purple centre, ovary 5-celled. Capsules green, oblong (12 to 25 cm), acute, with longitudinal ridges. Seeds many, rounded, striate.
Cultivation and Growth :
Flowering & Fruiting : March--October
Conservation : Soil Character : Prefers sandy loam, loose, fertile and well-drained soil.
Climate : Essentially a warm season crop, cannot endure cold-spell.
Propagules : Seeds
Sowing Times : February--June
Present Cultivation Status : : Cultivated widely throughout the state for using capsules as vegetable.
Cultivation Methods : Harvesting : Immature capsules are harvested for use as green vegetable. Well-matured brown capsules are harvested when these begin to dehisce from top towards the base longitudinally, for collection of seeds.
Plant-Chemicals :
Plant stem and leaf contain iodine. Pods are rich in iron, calcium, mucilage, pectin, vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, ascorbic acid, folic acid and niacin. Pods also contain magnesium, phosphorous and considerable amount of oxalate. Flower petals contain anthocyanins. Mature seeds contain flavonoids- gossypetin and quercitin derivatives.
Usable Parts of the Plant :
Fruit, Seed
Medicinal Uses :
i) Uses in Modern Medicine : Decoction of immature capsules, as well as mucilage from fruits and seeds are emollient, demulcent and useful in gonorrhoea. Immature capsules are also used as aphrodisiac, in catarrhal affections, dysuria and as a diuretic.
Fatty extract from watery extract of seeds inhibits cancerous cell growth in vitro and also fungitoxic against Helminthosporium oryzae.
Pharmacological aspects : ii) Uses in Ethnic/Tribal Medicine : Pharmacological aspects : iii) Uses in Ayurvedic Medicine : Seeds with bitter and sharp taste, cooling, tonic, carminative, aphrodisiac, cure diseases caused by
Kapha and
Vata, intestinal complaints, stomatitis, effective in heart diseases, allay thirst and check vomiting.
In Unani it is used as a medicine for dyspepsia, gonorrhoea, urinary discharges, leucoderma and itch.
Pharmacological aspects : iv) Uses in Homeopathic Medicine : Pharmacological aspects : v) Veterinary uses : Aromatic Uses :
Cosmetic Uses :
Other Uses :
Toxicity :
References & Acknowledgement :
Reference Books : 1,
17 Reference Website : 3 Reference Journal : Photo Courtesy : Remarks
Native of tropical Africa
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