[ Compilation Status : INCOMPLETE ]

Ambroma augusta (L.) L. f.

[ Family : Sterculiaceae ]
[ Synonyms : Abroma alata Blanco ; Abroma angulata Lam.; Abroma augusta (L.) L.f.; Abroma denticulata Miq.; Abroma elongata Lam.; Abroma mollis DC.; Ambroma augustum (L.) L.f.; Theobroma angustum L.; Theobroma mariae (Mart.) K. Schum. ]
[ Common name (Local) : Olatkambal, Sano kapasi ]

Name in other Languages :
  • Bengali : Olatkambal | Sanskrit : Peevaree, Yoshinee | Hindi : Ulatkambal | Tribal : Ulot chandal (Oraon) | English : Perennial indian hemp, Devill-s cotton | Other Languages : Sivapputtutti (Tam.)
  • [ Trade Name : Ulatkambal ]
pl.-fl.1/  pl.-fl.2/  fr.1/  fr.2/  fr.3/  de.  
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Plant Characteristics :
Habit : Branched shrub
Habitat & Ecology : Terrestrial, Grows well in hot and moist climate
Occurrence : Widely distributed upto 1500 meters.

Status : Common
Botanical Character : A tall shrub, branches downy, bark mucilaginous; leaves simple, cordate, repand- denticulate, broader near the base than the upper parts, while the upper narrower leaves are entire , glabrascent above and tomentose below, petiolate; stipules linear, as long as the petiole. Flowers axillary, pedunculate, purplish brown, pendulous, sepals lanceolate, free nearly to the base; petals scarcely exceeding the sepals, imbricate in the bud, deciduous. Fruits capsule, 5-angled, 5-winged, stand erect on the branches, calyx persistent. Seeds numerous, albuminous.

Cultivation and Growth :
Flowering & Fruiting : June--January
Conservation :

Soil Character : Prefers sandy loam, fertile soil in tropical climate.
Climate : Prefers hot and moist climate.
Propagules : Seeds
Sowing Times : April--August
Present Cultivation Status : :

Cultivation Methods :

Harvesting :

Plant-Chemicals :

Usable Parts of the Plant :

Medicinal Uses :
i) Uses in Modern Medicine :
    Pharmacological aspects :
ii) Uses in Ethnic/Tribal Medicine :
    Pharmacological aspects :
iii) Uses in Ayurvedic Medicine :
    Pharmacological aspects :
iv) Uses in Homeopathic Medicine :
    Pharmacological aspects :
v) Veterinary uses :

Aromatic Uses :

Cosmetic Uses :

Other Uses :

Toxicity :

References & Acknowledgement :
Reference Books :
Reference Website :
Reference Journal :
Photo Courtesy :


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