[ Compilation Status : INCOMPLETE ]

Curcuma aromatica Salisb.

[ Family : Zingiberaceae ]
[ Synonyms : Curcuma wenyujin Y.H.Chen & C.Ling
[ Common name (Local) : Bon /Jongli holud, Gyan churamoni ]

Name in other Languages :
  • Bengali : Bon /Jongli holud, Gyan churamoni | Sanskrit : Vana haridra, Aranya haridra | Hindi : Jangli haldi, Bon haridra | Tribal : Bir sasang, Hatu bundu saang | English : Aromatic turmeric, Wild turmeric,Cochin turmeric, Yellow zedoary | Other Languages : Kasthoori manjal, Dantmanjal (Mal.) ; Kasturi manjal (Tam.) ; Kasturipasupu (Tel.)
  • [ Trade Name : Bonhaldi ]
pl-1/  pl-2/  fl-1/  fl-2/  fl-3/  fl-4/  Rh.1/  
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Plant Characteristics :
Habit : Rhizomatous herb
Habitat & Ecology : Terrestrial, Wild; grows well in shady places.
Occurrence : Available in isolated areas upto an altitude of 500 m.

Status : Infrequent
Botanical Character : A perennial herb with large tuberous rootstocks; tubers biennial, 2.5 cm in diameter sessile, yellow, aromatic inside. Leaves 3-4 ft. ; petiole as long as the leaf blade, which is 30-60 cm by 10-20 cm, caudate, base deltoid, pale green above or variegated with lighter and darker green, clothed beneath with fine persistent pubescence. Spike with peduncle arising with or before the leaves; flower-bracts ovate, pale green, those of the coma larger and tinged with pink. Flowers shorter than the bracts. Corolla-tube 2.5 cm, upper half funnel-shaped ; lateral segments oblong, upper longer ovate, concave. Staminode obtuse, as long as the corolla-segments; lip deflexed, orbicular, yellow, obscurely 3-lobed. Stigma obscurely 2-lobed. Fruits dehiscent, globose, three-valved capsule.

Cultivation and Growth :
Flowering & Fruiting : May--October
Conservation :

Soil Character : Grows in different types of soil.
Climate : Tropical and subtropical
Propagules : Rhizome
Sowing Times :
Present Cultivation Status : :

Cultivation Methods :

Harvesting :

Plant-Chemicals :

Usable Parts of the Plant :

Rhizome, Root, Leaf

Medicinal Uses :
i) Uses in Modern Medicine :

    Pharmacological aspects :

ii) Uses in Ethnic/Tribal Medicine :

    Pharmacological aspects :

iii) Uses in Ayurvedic Medicine :

    Pharmacological aspects :

iv) Uses in Homeopathic Medicine :

    Pharmacological aspects :

v) Veterinary uses :

Aromatic Uses :

Cosmetic Uses :

Other Uses :

Toxicity :

References & Acknowledgement :
Reference Books :
Reference Website :
Reference Journal :
Photo Courtesy :


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