[ Compilation Status : INCOMPLETE ]

Trichosanthes cucumerina var. anguina (L.) Haines

[ Family : Cucurbitaceae. ]
[ Synonyms : Cucumis anguinus L.; Trichosanthes anguina L.; Trichosanthes lobata Roxb.; Trichosanthes olida F.Muell. ]
[ Common name (Local) : Chichinga, Chichinda ]

Name in other Languages :
  • Bengali : Chichinga, Chichinda | Sanskrit : Amritaphala, Bijagarbha, Dodhipushpi, Swadupatola | Hindi : Chachinda, Chachinga, Kuhiri | Tribal : Not available yet | English : Snake gourd, Serpent gourd | Other Languages : Padavalanga, Patavalam (Mal.) ; Pudalankaai, Pudel, Putaval (Tam.) ; Lingapotla, Potlakaaya (Tel.)
  • [ Trade Name : Snakegourd ]
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Plant Characteristics :
Habit : Annual climbing herb.
Habitat & Ecology : Terestrial. Grows in well drained soil having good moisture content, from sea-level to 1500 m altitude. ,
Occurrence : Cultivated throughout the state and immature fruits used as vegetable.

Status : Common
Botanical Character : Monoecious annual herb, climbing by 2–3-branched tendrils; stem very slender, furrowed, 5-angled. Leaves alternate, simple, broadly ovate-reniform; stipules absent; petiole 5–10 cm long, furrowed, succulent, scabrid hairy; blade slightly to deeply 5–7-lobed, cordate at base, margin distantly dentate, pubescent. Flowers unisexual, regular, pentamerous, white; calyx tubular, dialated at the mouth; corolla lobes fringed with hairlike curly outgrowths; male flowers in many-flowered axillary racemes on 10–30 cm long peduncles, with 3 stamens; female flowers axillary, solitary and sessile, with inferior, 1-celled ovary, long -hairy, stigmas 3. Fruit ovoid-fusiform, slender (2-8 cm) and very long (30-180 cm) and often twisted, green with longitudinal white stripes, orange when ripe. Seeds many, semi-ellipsoid, compressed and undulated along the edge, yellowish brown when ripe.

Cultivation and Growth :
Flowering & Fruiting : June--November
Conservation :

Soil Character : Can grow in different types of well-drained soil with good moisture content.
Climate : Well adapted to the humid tropical, subtropical climate with a teperature range 20–35°C.
Propagules : Seeds
Sowing Times :
Present Cultivation Status : :

Cultivation Methods :

Harvesting :

Plant-Chemicals :

Usable Parts of the Plant :

Fruit, Seed

Medicinal Uses :
i) Uses in Modern Medicine :

    Pharmacological aspects :

ii) Uses in Ethnic/Tribal Medicine :

    Pharmacological aspects :

iii) Uses in Ayurvedic Medicine :

    Pharmacological aspects :

iv) Uses in Homeopathic Medicine :

    Pharmacological aspects :

v) Veterinary uses :

Aromatic Uses :

Cosmetic Uses :

Other Uses :

Toxicity :

References & Acknowledgement :
Reference Books : 3,5,14
Reference Website : 2, 5
Reference Journal :

Photo Courtesy :


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