There are more than two
thousand species in the Garden, arranged in twenty divisions, representing
seventeen countries of the world. While it is not the intention here to compile
a lengthy list of the plants in the Garden (which has already appeared in the
Rec. Bot. Survey India Vol. 5, No. 5, 1940), there is endless variety of form
and colour in the evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs in the open. In the
Conservatories there are plenty of tender plants to delight the eye. The Rock
Garden, the Conservatories, the Orchid House, the Herbarium, delightful walks,
the herbaceous borders, the terrace bedding and the annual beds are some of the
most interesting and colourful features of this Garden, which leave an
indelible imprint on the mind of the visitors to the Garden.
The approach to the Garden from
the Cart Road near the bazaar is through a steep road with rocks covered with
mosses protruding here and there and rows of mature Cryptomeria trees and
plantation of ornamental trees. The George King Avenue starting from the main
gate is a broad tarred path leading through a series of terraces ends in the
Chandmari Gate. Sir John Anderson Rock Garden can be reached through Jaffrey
Avenue, which is an off-shoot of George King Avenue. Many alpine and sub-alpine
plants under conditions akin to those obtaining their natural habitats are
grown here. One dwarf and prostate Conifer of the temperate Himalayas,
Juniperus pseudo-sabina can be seen here on the left side of this Avenue before
reaching the Rock Garden. In the Rock Garden one may find a unique combination
of the Rhododendrons, Pieris, Lilies and Azaleas with suitable herbaceous
plants such as Cotoneaster macrophylla, Meconopsis wallichii, Primula
floribunda, Fragaria vesca, Saxifraga sarmentosa and Ranunculus diffuses and
Puya alpestris with its copper green coloured tall spikes. Moving a few steps
ahead the visitor will meet with brilliant Rhododendrons in dense clusters
standing on the right hand slopes by the side of the Rock Garden, with flowers of
white crimson, pink and mauve coming into blooms in succession in spring time.
A little below, there are well-established old trees of the Himalayan cherry
(Prunus cerasoides). The road circles a small pond. Here there is a highly
developed water garden with mass planting of Primulas, Iris Kaempferia,
Impatiens, giant-leaved arum-lilies, and with a over-hanging slender weeping
willow (Salix babylonica) standing on a rocky cascade in the centre of the
The visitor will find at the
crossing of the Ashley Eden Avenue and Jaffrey Avenue a magnificent Magnolia
Campbelli tree with its pink flowers blooming on leafless branches during the
spring. From this place the visitor interested in botanical sciences may visit
the Herbarium, which is rich in valuable collections of dried plants. The
Herbarium and the office are housed on a stone building in the late Elizabethan
style surrounded by hedges of �American Pillar� roses which bloom in May to
June. The Herbarium is arranged according to Bentham and Hooker�s system of
classification. It contains about 30,000 specimens of dried plants, mounted on
sheets, covering nearly all the species of the Eastern Himalayas. On proceeding
further the laboratory building for carrying out research work is situated with
slopes in front covered with annual beds and bushes like Calliandra,
Leucosceptrum and Daphne.
Moving further along the same
Avenue the visitor may reach the Orchid House. The Orchid House is a spacious
glass-house, constructed in modern lines, well stocked with more than 2,000
Orchids belonging to various terrestrial and epiphytic species. The Orchids are
very costly flowers and are considered as coveted presents in some countries.
The hybrid Cymbidiums, the blue Vandas of Assam, the golden coloured long
spikes of Dendrobiums of the Sikkim Himalayas and the spider-Orchids of Malaya
flower profusely and in perfect conditions add to the charm of the garden.
Other plants, which may interest visitors, are Cymbidium lowianum, C.
mastersii, Cypripedium insigne, C. villosum, Habenaria sp., etc.
From the Orchid House the
visitor may take Calder Avenue for proceeding further downwards. The toilets
are situated on the top of Calder Avenue. The most remarkable shrub in the
Calder Avenue is the common Himalayan Mahonia accanthifolia with whorls of
yellow spikes of flowers and Philadelphus coronaries with beautiful white
flowers. The Calder Avenue meets the George King avenue and ends in the
Chandmari Gate. The terrace is flanked with Buddleias, Melastomas, Osbeckias
and Jasminum as well as other plants.
On reaching the Chandmari Gate,
the tarred road named as Bruhl Avenue turns westwards and separates the
Coniferous section from the upper indigenous section. On the right there is a
line of Syringa chinensis, Edgeworthia gardeneri and other species. The visitor
will see the collection of Conifers with more than 45 species. The most
remarkable among them is the Abies webbina with leaves silvery in the inner
margin, Pinus longifolia with slender needles and Himalayan spruce (picea morinda)
with drooping whorls of leaves are also standing there. Along with these tall
trees, there grow wart masses of Juniperus pseudo-sabina and small trees of
hemlock (Tsuga brunoniana). Leaving behind the elegant Conifers the visitor
finds himself at a junction of four roads with a small resting shed and a steep
slope. He may turn left and follow the Cave Avenue. On the left stand a large
striking beautiful Conifer (Retinospora strandzii). On the right slope, there
stand two specimens of Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides), which grow
here fairly well. The plant which promises to be one of the most beautiful
Conifers is of immense botanical and geological interest. The genus had long
been known only from the fossil record. In 1944 M. glyptostroboides was found
growing wild in Szechuan (Szechwan) Province of China. Thus, somewhat like
Ginkgo and the living Cycads, it is truly a living fossil. Azaleas in the
possible colour form the herbaceous border along the right side of the slope.
The Cave Avenue ends in the residential area of the Garden staff. The visitor
may turn right and may have a view of a long terrace with beautiful and
tasteful annual beds and a collection of Fuchsias (bi-colour Dancing Dolls)
surrounding another interesting gymnosperm, the maiden-hair tree (Ginkgo
While going inside the Small
Conservatory (fernery) the visitor will be interested to see the large trunk of
the very old climber, the Wisteria chinensis, which has covered the entire
periphery of the structure. On the stages inside the house, potted specimens of
Pelargoniums, Streptocarpus, Achimenes, Primulas, ornamental ferns like
Asplenium and Adiantum make a pleasant sight. Crossing the fernery the visitor
will reach the Large Conservatory. Beautiful climber like Solanum wendlandii,
Clematis Montana, Solanum jasminoides and Passiflora eduli covering up the
pillars add to the attraction. The four big galleries as well as several small
galleries well packed with beautiful blooms of Begonias, Gloxinias, Cyclamens,
Hydrangeas, Cinerarias, Schizanthuses and other season flowers make it riotous
in resplendent colours. The semi-hardy perennials like Strelitzia, Streptosolen
also contribute to the colourfulness of the place. The beautiful laid out large
ornament beds of annual flowers with two Conservatories and creepers with
majestic grace and beauty of the over looking Conifers contribute to make this
area a charming spot. During appropriate season, the visitor may see blooming
Magnolia stellata against the background of Picea morinda and other trees
towards the north of the Large Conservatory.
On the southern side of the
Conservatory, a giant specimen of a very interesting tree, the Monkey�s Puzzle
(Araucaria bidwillii) stands majestically matching with the beauty of the
surroundings. On proceeding north by Anderson Avenue visitor will be interested
to see the tree tulip (Liriodendron elatus) on the left and the collection of
both indigenous and exotic Oaks (Quercus spp.) on the terrace a little ahead.
The sunken garden is situated in the left along with beautiful specimens of
Camellia. Another tree with a long past, �Bhurjapatra� (Betula utilis), which
peels of white sheets of bark, stands on the left side of the walk.
On proceeding further towards
north, the tree ferns standing in clumps on the right slopes will fascinate the
visitor. Cyathea spinulosa is the prettiest of all the ferns with black fronds.
If one turns right and climbs along Gage Avenue with rows of Himalayan palms
(Trachycarpus martianus) and hedges of Acubas and Hydrangeas on two sides, he
will reach the junction of Bruhl Avenue and Cave Avenue where he will be
interested to see the Chinar of Kashmir (Platanus orientalis) with white bark.
Now he may turn left and see the hedges of common tea (Cammellia sinensis)
pruned to dwarf its height behind the hedges; down the slope stand specimens of
Camphor tree (Cinnamommum camphora) and large flowering white Magnolia
(magnolia campbellii). Going ahead, he will see the terrace of lily beds with
tall slender spikes of Agapanthus, Kniphofia, Yunkia, Daffodil and others. If
he is tried with the uphill and downhill paths of the Garden, he may climb up
along Cave Avenue with rows of Cupressus and Thuja on the left, and soon reach
the main gate.
As an alternative he may move
up Leslie Avenue lying towards north with Rhododendron and magnolia groups on
the two sides and will soon reach the Student�s Garden. Here the families
representing the Eastern Himalayan flora have been planted in a systematic way
to cater to the needs of undergraduates. He may now turn left and follow the
south-west path, Griffith Avenue, watching the tall trees on the terraces on
both the sides and will soon reach the Anderson Avenue. Now, the visitor should
turn right and follow the Prain Avenue when he will come across rows of
Japanese cherry (Prunus serrulata) with beds of annual and roses breaking the
monotony of the green moss covered lawns. There stand a group of Rosaceous
plants and a rose bower which will draw much interest from the students. Proceeding
further downwards along William Smith Avenue and Prantling Avenue, he will soon
reach the Victoria Road Gate of the Garden, the lowermost point. Collection of
Cannas and hedges of Salvia Pratensis is the most salient feature of this
region. Now turning left and proceeding through Jagdish Bose Avenue, the tall
rows of Cryptomeria Japonica (which was introduced from Japan and was
acclimatized in this Garden) down the slope with natural forest-like
undergrowth; one may soon reach the bamboo collection. A beautiful lawn with
annual flower bed, a resting shed, a lily pond is the salient features of this
terrace. Proceeding a little eastwards the visitor may turn right along Joseph
Hooker Avenue to see the Japanese Maple Collection which stands on rows on both
sides of the Avenue. The Avenue now turns left and Gents� toilets are situated
at this point. The terrace intercepted by Wallich Avenue and Joseph Hooker
Avenue contains collection of mixed exotic deciduous trees and shrubs. The
Ladies� toilets are situated at the junction of Joseph Hooker Avenue and
Wallich Avenue behind the bamboo hedges.